Tuesday, 18 November 2014

School's Closed

The events of the last few days has brought normal life in Abu Dis to a stand still. Today the girls of the UNRWA school is empty.

A man from this town was attacked and killed in West Jerusalem on Sunday night and yesterday the whole town was out on the streets mourning him. Arabic echoed through a megaphone, gun shots were fired into the air and fireworks flew high in an angered response to the incident. Crowds gathered, chanting and waving flags and boys threw stones until finally all action was smothered by tear gas from the Israeli army.

The family of the man killed is well known in Abu Dis and everyone feels the loss. Today the students are at home with their families as they watch the events unfold and violent demonstrations are expected. This is all too normal for students in Abu Dis where interruptions to school life happen often. 

Unfortunately, we will probably not see the UNRWA students before the UN Children's day on Thursday, but we hope it goes well and we will talk to them about it next week.

We have seen your blog post from Maria Fidelis school and look forward to showing it to the girls when things are back to normal.

Here are some pictures of Grade 9 at the UNRWA.

Grade 7 love One Direction and gave us this drawing

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